Mediating Divorce With One Lawyer

What Is A Drive-By Mediation?

A drive-by mediation is where parties to a family law dispute meet with a mediator to confirm an existing agreement. Unlike most mediations, which are convened to resolve differences, a drive-by mediation is used to cement an existing agreement. For information about traditional mediation click here.

The term “Drive-By Mediation” is used because the agreement is already made, and the mediation is a short formality to make it enforceable and irrevocable. Bargaining and negotiation are not part of a drive-by mediation. It is not a legal term, but a nickname created by the legal community. Read More “What Is A Drive-By Mediation?”

Motion To Compel Mediation

Most judges require mediation before a contested family law hearing or a trial because it is so successful. Most mediations result in a mediated settlement agreement, or “M.S.A.” If mediation is not required by the judge, it…
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