How Mental Health Issues Affect Divorce and Custody

How Mental Health Issues Affect Divorce and Custody

Divorce can be one of the most stressful experiences one can have. Adding mental health issues only further complicates matters, especially when child custody is at issue. Parents with mental health issues are often afraid their diagnosis will be weaponized against them, while other parents may have genuine concerns for the safety and welfare of their child. Mental health challenges can have financial implications on a divorce as well. Navigating these issues can be difficult but not impossible. The right assistance is key.

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We’re Divorcing, We Have A Sizeable Estate But I Don’t Know The Details

It’s not unusual in a divorce for one spouse to realize they know little about the finances. More often it’s a wife. Sometimes, she manages household finances and pays bills, but the other spouse knows about the investments, retirements and business interests. Sometimes, one spouse manages all household finances, including paying bills, and the other knows nothing about income, expenses, retirement or investments.
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What Is A Drive-By Mediation?

A drive-by mediation is where parties to a family law dispute meet with a mediator to confirm an existing agreement. Unlike most mediations, which are convened to resolve differences, a drive-by mediation is used to cement an existing agreement. For information about traditional mediation click here.

The term “Drive-By Mediation” is used because the agreement is already made, and the mediation is a short formality to make it enforceable and irrevocable. Bargaining and negotiation are not part of a drive-by mediation. It is not a legal term, but a nickname created by the legal community. Read More “What Is A Drive-By Mediation?”

Facing An Unwanted Divorce

When Divorce is Unexpected

Some painful life events are expected. Deep down, we expect to bury our parents. Everyone knows their spouse might be the first to pass on. Some, as their marriage remains in trouble, think about divorce. Others are shocked when their spouse decides to divorce. Part of what makes divorce so painful is that it’s unexpected, even at the deepest level. People expect to remain married for life. Read More “Facing An Unwanted Divorce”

How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce?

How are assets divided in a divorce? Two people who went into a marriage thinking in terms of forever only to confront a divorce must face this question while dealing with the emotional trauma. In Texas the quick answer is: In a ‘just and right division.’ When the courts of appeal are asked to clarify that, they tell us it means ‘fair and equitable.’ Read More “How Are Assets Divided in a Divorce?”

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